This website is an ongoing learning experience for me (Bob, the rookie site designer), a helper for Marco Princivalli in his voyage of adventure into the enfoldment of Spiritual and Musical enrichment.

For Marco, his Spiritual and Musical expression are one and the same. His philosophy of life is intimately revealed in his music. Listen to his recordings and feel his passion for the Musical expression of his Spirit.

Although not a spiritual website per se, we are both striving to provide an experience into the realm of Spiritual enrichment for the soul. Use this site at your own peril. If you use it wrong, God will get you for it, and She’s not going to be very happy.


A beautiful contribution

from a dear friend and fellow traveler on this voyage of discovery:

“If all that is now-has always been-and will always be, then the breaths we take today are shared with every breath taken through eternity.

The wind that plays the chimes is the same wind from forever ago.

The same winds, air and oxygen shared by all plants, animals, all beings.

The sounds you make with your music are powered with that same life giving force.

Those sounds travel through the universe and are shared forevermore.

The rhythm and pitch might change depending on infinite factors. Still it exists.”



My Recordings So Far:

City of the Unborn Celebrating




Jazz, Dig It!


My Wife’s Breath


Bear Dancing


The Forest


Butterfly Jazz


Mother’s Day


One More Mile


Ariahna A Lullaby




See the source image
See the source image

Birds of Paradise


See the source image

Other Dimensions

Inside the Saxophone

Digital Distortion Harmonized

Behold the King Cometh

Busy Bee